Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Dales 21st Birthday Today!!!
big day today, Dales 21st! i sent him a card with a photo copy of a 20 quid note, laminated, with a message on it saying "a plastic note for a plastic scouser.
I hope he sees the funny side of it, or i will have to watch out!
Anyway it seems a lifetime since it was my 21st birthday. I can remember all my relatives clubbed together to buy me a coat! they were known as "car coats" and guess what? ive still got it somewhere and its in excellent condition. might put it on ebay lol.
I am going to be busy over the next few days, lots of work to do at the bbc, and when im not there, i will be in my shop. I need to shift some more xmas cards and wrapping paper! Its that time of year when everyone starts buying presents that get put into a drawer and never come out for years, or which get given to someone else for their birthdays! I find money is far too scarce to throw away on just any old pressie. Also do you ever buy people pressies each year and never get anything back? i do! so this year i have cut down on my list, and now it stands at just 4 or 5 people! It can be a nightmare for some people, who have dozens to buy for, and the cost just gets put onto loans, or credit cards, or overdrafts. What is the point in doing that just for one day, and having to pay back for many months, or in some cases years? I bet some people are stillpaying off for stuff they got last christmas.
Anyway thats the end of my rant for today, in fact i might start a "blog rant" at the end of each blog entry.
I seem to have gone on a bit dont i, but anyway, Dale hope you have a wonderful birthday.
thanks again folks for reading this! more soon!
tony xxx
Friday, November 24, 2006
Friday again

Well i have had a quite busy week, ive been to Fleetwood, but didnt smell any fish thankfully, but i did manage at long last to get some Morrisons Turkey & Stuffing pasties mmmmmm. Dale is here for the weekend, Dawn is here too, and Paul and Dale are having a go at the xbox. Paul got his wages today, so he has treated himself to an Xbox too for when Dales is at his Mums.
Picture above is of me obviously on stage at Fleetwood, in my snazzy bbc shirt lol. i think i need to slim down a bit.
Its very cold today, and been raining most of the day, but after all it is November, and its less than a month off the shortest day, so i think we will get over the winter well, although people are predicting a bad one this time.
Ben, my bbc boss has just emailed me asking me to work on Monday afternoon, so im looking forward to that.
Big football match tomorrow! Preston at home to Crystal Palace. I might put the mockers on them, but Preston have not lost at home since September 2005, which is an awful lot of games ago, but this time we could go to the top of the table if results go our way.
Thanks for reading this, and take care everyone xxx
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Alright, alright, this is about Robbo!
Right there is this geezer, who was born in Ramsbottom (dont tempt me), and now lives in that posh place where Buckingham Palarse is. Hes Called Robbo, and i have known him for...oh must be 6 years now... and hes feeling out of it, because i did promise to give him a mention a while back, and through pressure of work hmmm, i kinda forgot.
Downside of Robbo, is that he supports a certain football team, not far from me, who play in red, and who have a Manager with a purple nose. He seems to think they are going to win the Premiership title this season too, but not to worry he is used to getting things wrong.
Soooo this whole blog is devoted to this famous Robbo, who occasionally comes out with a quite good joke. Here is the latest offering...if anyone can give me the right answer there might be a prize...
Which member of the England 1966 World Cup winning squad had a sister at number 1 in the charts at the same time?
Awaiting anyones answers - think i might be waiting a long, long time.
Robbo is a fabulous person, and also works in an Off Licence, which is very usful if you happen to be an alchoholic, or drink wine at £60 a bottle. He used to own a very fast Ford Cosworth, with useful wipe down leather seats too.
So there you are! if anyone wants his msn addy, just ask as he hasnt got many friends, apart from Daniel and Tommo.
He should of course start his very own blog, but im afraid it would have to come with a public health warning.
Cheers once again, and i bet you just cant wait to hear more about my jet setting life style
Get in there North end.
Friday, November 10, 2006
phew! its over at last
Thursday seemed such a good day in the shop, i didnt give a shit if i sold anything or not!!! anyway i got an email from Ben asking me to work on thursday which was too late by the time i did get it, but i worked today friday, and im working my usual saturday, and mon through to thursday next week, as its children in need week again - blimey soon comes around.
I had an email from Talia saying she is in Russia somewhere, if i thought it was cold here, i bet its a lot worse there- poor thing. oh and poor Jane having to put up with her lol (hope she doesnt read this hehehe)
Im quite tired as its almost 9 pm and i was up at 6 this morning so that all im posting today!
have fun and lots of love from tony to everyone who reads this !
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Saturday fun- i wish
After a while i got a shout from Katie, she asked me to go round into the reception area. She had received some bad news over the phone, and was desperately upset about it. I wont go into details.
The Open Centre was beginning to get very busy, but at least this week everything was working well.
I went straight to pick Dale up from his Mums from work, and Paul was there and Dawn, when we got back. Very tired now, think it will be an early night tonight :)
all the best from tony.