Hello folks, how are you today?
Did you know that if you have the internet, which you do have because you are reading this...you can talk on the phone to anyone, anywhere in the world for free, providing they have the internet too. You have probably heard of SKYPE. Its a great free programme.
You can also make conventional phone calls from it too, and its much cheaper than BT to landlines or to mobiles. The quality is great too, just about as good as you can get.
Now to Podcasting, and no i dont have shares in Skype!!!! its just so good, and passes time on these dark nights too.
You choose a subject, anything at all, from sports, to cookery recipes, travel, holidays, just anything you like. Then you choose what time you want it to start and how long it will last for.
Its like having a party at your house! but everyone is on the phone, and you never know who will join you! and best of all it costs you nothing, and you can make friends for life.
Another good feature of Skype is that you can use a webcam if you own one, and have full screen video, which i dont believe any other programme uses.
If you want any further information, all you have to do is ask! you know where to find me.
Well thats all the technical stuff for today, hope you all have a wonderful weekend- dozens of people are now regular readers of my blog! A big thank you to everyone, ad if you would like to have a special mention, let me know.