Well, its quite a while since i wrote anything on here, almost as long as Joe Wilson's holiday entitlement.
I have been quite busy actually, and determined to learn a few new things this year. Ive been having training on how to use our brand new radio van, and how to record, and edit stuff at the bbc. Im a bit proud of myself actually, and i dont see why age should barr me from learning new skills.
Part of my time has been keeping miss waddicor in order of course and im going to put her latest picture next to mine.
She pursuaded me to start a "my space" profile, which i have done, and ive found quite a lot of my friends, and work mates have them, such as Graham the old tart Liver, and Phil Trow.
I am hoping to get to the warehouses in Manchester this week, to stock up my shop again, its actually not doing too badly just now, and with the warmer weather just round the corner, its looking good. The "hour" goes on this weekend, so lighter nights as well.
Bryan, and Nichola, his partner, are having to find a new house to rent, as the one they are in now is going to be sold, so hes busy looking around. I have been able to give him a lift, as wigan is quite a big area, and they could soon be finding something suitable lets hope.
Paul, Dawn & baby Amy are all doing fine. She is almost seven weeks old now - awwwwww.
Dale is having problems with his knee again, and it looks like an operation is going to be the only answer.
Its not been a good winter for me, illness wise, i have had five lots of viruses or sickness. Im hoping i might be able to stay relatively free from them for a few months now, as i hate being ill.
I treated mywelf to a hands free kit for the car, its so dangerous using a mobile whilst driving, and now the penalties are quite high. It was 50 quid but i think very worth while, and seems to work very well.
Well thats all for now, thanks to all those who read this, and take care all of you.