Wednesday, April 28, 2010

not been well again :(

I have to report that my old chest has been playing up again, and i am wondering when it will ever get better again. I had to see the emergency Doctor last Friday night- thanks to Dale and Paul for going with me. It was after dark, and it was useful to know that you can cash prescriptions up to 10 pm from ASDA or Tesco, which is brilliant.
I was much better the following morning as soon as the antibiotics kicked in, and on Sunday night i met Ryan on his way back home on the train, and he stayed the night. We did lots of catching up. On Monday i took him back home to Manchester and it was a lovely day even though i was quite tired really. The weather has continued to be nice and warm all this week, and i have to see my own Doctor in the morning at 8.30 am. It is now 9 pm and its not quite dark, so summer is very much just round the corner, yippee!

Katie, one of the lovely BBC receptionists has given me a nice recipe for Garlic, Chick Pea and Spinach Soup ! and so i have copied the details hereunder- enjoy...

Garlic, Chick Pea and Spinach Soup
Serves 4
2tbsp olive oil 4 garlic cloves, crushed 1 onion, roughly chopped 2tsp cumin 2tsp ground coriander 2 pints vegetable stock 12 oz potatoes, peeled and finely chopped 15oz can chick peas 1tbsp corn flour 1/4 pint double cream ( I use milk) 7oz Spinach, shredded Cayenne pepper ( don't think I use this) Salt and pepper
1. Heat oil in pan and cook garlic and onion for 5 minutes or until they are golden brown and softened
2. Stir in cumin and coriander and cook for a further minute
3. Pour in stock and add potatoes, bring to boil and simmer for 10 mins, Add chick peas and simmer for 5 mins or until potatoes and chick peas are just tender
4. Blend together corn flour and stir into the soup with the spinach. Bring to boil, stirring and simmer for 2mins. Season with cayenne pepper, salt and pepper

another update before long- take care everyone xxx

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